Is it dangerous to do peeling in the summer?
Is it dangerous to do peeling in the summer?
It's no secret that cosmetologists always recommend stopping deep cleansing procedures before the bright burning sun appears. How right are they? Can peeling be done in summer? Let's look at this issue together. Strange thing, peeling in the summer is a surprisingly popular event. This can be explained by the emergence of a large number of gentle procedures. True, the effect of them is minimal. Before active tanning, you should do the lightest exfoliation.
Let's be honest, there is no need for deep facial cleansing in the summer. Especially in our endless latitudes - there is plenty of time to cope with cosmetic procedures before the onset of a short rest. This also applies to those who want to spend their holidays under the scorching sun, in the mountains or at sea. After all, a significant part of your face and body will be covered with a tan. You can earn complications, which we will tell you about.
Safety measures before the procedure
If you do deep peeling often, you can significantly thin the protective layer of the epidermis. As a result, the sensitivity of the face and body to ultraviolet light will greatly increase.
- In addition, the cells responsible for the production of melanin are significantly activated. As a result, the likelihood of earning pigmentation is increased, which negates all our efforts to look younger and more attractive.
- Keep in mind that it is possible to obtain pigments even without direct contact with the sun. The very cells that produce melanin are able to start working "overtime" thanks to the various acids included in the peel.
- Ultraviolet light enhances natural colors and complexions can become very uneven.
However, it is worth remembering that in some sunny countries peeling is done very readily in summer. Many of these procedures were invented there.
Why are summer peels needed?
If you have thick, very porous or oily skin, regular exfoliation can significantly improve its appearance. It must be remembered that in the summer the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, the stratum corneum grows faster. The skin becomes covered with an oily sheen and dirt particles. In this case, peeling in the summer can be a real salvation. But is it possible to do it? And what kind of peeling?
- Of course, we are not talking about serious and deep facial cleansing. You can only afford superficial procedures. For example, peeling with fruit acids is allowed, but with a low concentration. In summer, ferul, milk or almond cleansing is possible. This peeling will not give significant flaking, but it will help to even out the complexion. Especially if she is tanned.
- To enhance the peeling effect, it is necessary to choose high-quality regular care. For example, washing your face in the summer with a mild cleansing gel, moisturizing your face with a natural light cream, and making homemade fruit masks.
- Avoid mineral oils. They should not be included in the composition. These ingredients provide a temporary feeling of hydration. However, the effect will be much worse during all subsequent applications. The oils will create a strong protective film on the skin of the face, which is completely unnecessary in summer.
- It's easy to find effective moisturizers. The main thing is to carefully read the composition on the package. You can also do them yourself. Moisturizing is essential with regular cleansing procedures. UV protection is just as important.
Deep cleansing in summer is contraindicated. True, there are situations when a strong peeling course is simply necessary. The effectiveness of the procedure is noted only before the formation of a scar or scar. In this case, the vacation will have to be spent on the rehabilitation period, and also try not to go out in the sun.
You will need caps, glasses, and the strongest sunscreens available. Remember, health comes first. Your beauty also depends on it. Don't plan a vacation in the mountains if your skin is sensitive to the scorching sun. Be sure to consult a dermatologist.
What peels should be done during the summer?
It is better to do light procedures in summer. Switch to more intense hydration and sun protection before heading out. They are a must for those who want to preserve youthfulness, elasticity and beauty of the skin.
Try to choose combination drugs that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients and various antioxidants. For example, the already mentioned ferul facial peeling. It gently peels off the stratum corneum, effectively combating uneven color and pigmentation. In summer, it will not cause redness, irritation and burning. This peeling can be done on any skin type.
How to do cleansing procedures correctly?
Whether it is worth doing summer peeling is up to you. Just approach the procedure with great care. What kind of peel will not damage your skin before vacation or summer? Basically, there is nothing wrong with light exfoliating procedures. The appearance of the skin after them will definitely improve. But deep, intense, unsafe cleansing can be done only in autumn, winter or spring time. Cloudy days are best suited for this.
- For those planning to take a summer vacation to the beach, exfoliating your skin won't hurt. First, of course, gentle exfoliation will make your tan more even. Secondly, light cleansing will not cause pigmentation.
- Peeling will cleanse the pores. It helps to eliminate various toxins and oxygenate skin cells. It will become smoother, tan better and more likely to last longer.
- Any cosmetic procedure should begin with exfoliation. It prepares the skin for the penetration of nutrients and oxygen. Note that all types of chemical peeling procedures can be done only a couple of weeks before departure
. This will reduce the risk of unevenness and age spots. The skin will have time to partially regenerate before the sunny holiday. - You should always remember to cleanse your face daily before bed. This also applies to summer vacation time. For example, you can replace your regular wash gel with one that contains tiny abrasive particles. Gentle exfoliation will have little effect on the intensity of your tan. However, it will rid the skin of dead cells damaged by the summer sun.
At the end of our topic, we invite you to watch a useful video, thanks to which you will learn even more interesting information about deep and intensive cleansing at home.
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